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Writer's pictureAndy Pate

Is There Something Seriously Unhealthy Going On in American Sexuality?

A main point of the Genesis story of Adam and Eve is to assert that humans have always had problems with their sexuality.   In other words, there are too many “apples” bouncing around that entice one sex to be attracted to an opposite who is not their first mate.


Could this be the cause of many problems today, especially in America where “apples” abound year-round?

There are signs that this may be the case.  Transition from one sex to another; sexual intercourse with somebody, maybe anybody, at an office party, after church, or before and after a ball game, at any time? --all such questions appear to be on the increase.

Genesis was and is on the mark:  promiscuity is as old as the first time there was a third party available.  So, that part is nothing new.  What is new is that non-marital sex is on the rise, along with homosexuality, cross-dressing and multiple ways of creating orgasms.

In other words, promiscuity is becoming more and more obvious as are the consequences, like the noticeable increases in divorce and in same sex relationships.

Houston, we do have a problem. Our dreams of sexual satisfaction are being blown asunder.  And perhaps worst of all (or best of all, take your pick), marriage itself seems to be in a fatal fall, out the window, forgotten, of no further usage, which, of course, means, if marriage fails, the number of suits and countersuits will multiply into the millions.   (Yes, it could get awfully complicated.)

Thus, our observations here support the disturbing notion that something extremely unhealthy is going on in American sexuality.  

A guy?  A girl?  Both? Several?  When? It's terribly confusing.

We don’t seem to be confident anymore about anything related to our sexuality.   

So, what, in heavens’ name and for God’s sake are we to do?

"Throw away all the damn apples!" it says here.

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